🌟Alexandra Moulding🌟 group leader : £5 per person drop-in
Throughout history People have always met as a group to discuss their dreams. Though in these modern western times it seems to have lost its status, this activity is still highly beneficial to individuals and communities. We all dream multiple times a night but we only remember a fraction of them. Those who seldom remember dreams will often find that by returning the dream to personal importance, the dreams return. Dreams are surreal and can often seem nonsensical, but they speak a language that everyone can understand with a little practice. It is a symbolic language that is unique to every individual, each of us has our own metaphoric landscape that we visit each night. Processing and understanding the deeper meanings contained in our dreams and the stories they play out can bring much personal insight, helping to improve our well-being.
The purpose of sharing dreams as a group is not for an expert to offer a diagnosis, but for everyone to hear the dream and benefit from it. We can all learn from everyone's dream, as each dream, when shared, will bring up different ideas and emotions in each listener. It can be hard to find the right angle in which to approach a dream, as a group we can often see aspects that were previously hidden to the dreamer. Unpicking the layers of personal symbolism is a fascinating and thought provoking experience for all and In exploring the behaviors and attitudes we display in our dreaming worlds, we often find there are parallels in the ways we approach our waking lives as the dreaming mind is highly intelligent and only desires to help us see our inner truths and potentials. In asking questions, talking over potential interpretations and associations the dreamer usually can uncover new perspectives and deeper aspects of the dream than might have been discovered alone. In discussing these connections we realise we are not alone, that together we can help each other navigate our inner worlds and arrive at a message that feels right to the dreamer.
As a new group my hope is that we will settle down into a regular group of attendees coming together on a fortnightly basis. My personal approach is loosely Jungian, in that all aspects of the dream are symbolic of aspects of the self and our personal experiences, both everyday,emotional and spiritual. There are many ways of interpreting dreams though and I would welcome them all as being valid to the dreamer. I have been studying my own dreams for many years and attended groups myself, I have also kept an illustrative journal of my dreams for some years as a practice to go alongside my regular journaling.
We will gradually settle into a way of working together that feels comfortable and develop as we go along. Ideally the group should consist of no more than 10 people, both men and women. It would be the aim that perhaps 2 or 3 dreams could be shared on each session on a randomly selected basis, discussing those dreams that have occurred in the previous couple of nights only. Its my experience that through the arts we can uncover yet further insights into the subconscious dreaming mind. As a group we can also look to explore any creative avenues that appeal to members.
We have a few excellent Tarot Readers available for Psychic Counselling, & Advice, Some are gifted Mediums & Clairvoyants. Please get in touch to book an appointment or request a Reading. Some of our Readers are willing to perform a written Reading via Email
If you’re a talented Artist with an interest in Tarot Art, we’d love you to get involved in our Collaborative Tarot Art project. Pick a card that you feel drawn to, & re-design it with your own individual creative energy. When all the cards have been completed we will publish & distribute. The profits from the sales will be shared equally, depending on how many cards each artist has designed & finished. sounds interesting, get in touch or come along to one of the sessions to find out more.
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